Saturday, January 31, 2004

aaaahhhh!!! she's ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaayyyy!!!!!!!!!! i am so so so so happy. elated. overjoyed.. almost delirious. LOL. ok i can see all of ur blur faces so lemme explain my sad post last night..

well my grandma got admitted to the hospital cos she had a mild stroke.. n they were thinking of alot of doing alot of stuff on her.. like scans n stuff.. (cos last yr in abt june i think she had a pretty serious stroke.. scared me to death.. but she recovered.. just a bit unstable) n its not really good for her.. cos she's already 80.. yea.. was quite worried last night.. cos my daddy made it sound so serious.. he said sumthing abt letting her rest if she really has a blood clot in her brain (blood clots n blood vessels bursting cause strokes i think.. sumthing like tht.) she wont really be taking any pills or doing any surgery.. so yea.. i was feeling a bit off.. ya.. cos she's my only grandma.. so.. yea.. anyway she's doing much better now.. =D she just got discharged late morning n i just got back from her house.. so yea.. all's well.... =D

ok there r sum things i wanna talk abt concerning this whole thing.. yea.. but i'lll write abt it tonight or sumthing.. =) anyway i'm feeling happy, happy, happy. =)

Friday, January 30, 2004

can someone tell me this is just a bad nightmare.. please..
gah. in no mood to talk. but dunnoe whot to do. so i decided to come here n talk a bit of rubbish altho u pple will be left clueless later... ah who cares. i'm here to talk rubbish n i dont give a damn if u understand me. bleeaahhh.

its not been a good day. been quite bad. was faced with really crap news. praying that its nothing.. but sum all the whot-if's are playing in my brain. gah. how stoopid. i hate the feeling of being unable to help, unable to contribute, unable to share the pain, unable to do anything that will help the situation. bleeuurrgghh... i hate the fact that all i can do is stand by n watch. in fact, i can't even watch. i dont want you to go...................................... please dont go... ya i'm a selfish person cos i dont want you to go cos u r important to me. but i dont wanna see you in pain either. gah.. y must u think of leaving? please stay.... dont go dont go dont go.. please.. stay.. please stay here with me...........
i've been trying to stay off my blog cos sum people say i waste too much time here.... but its impossible. i'm hooked on this crappy webbie i call my own. bleeuurrgh. part of me wonders why i actually tell u so much about my thoughts n feelings.. ah what the heck. i'll just continue with this...

yesterday was a good day in schl - cecilia n i finally started with our prayer group.. n even though alot of people couldnt make it (last minute excuses.. but yea.. whut to do..) it was still a brilliant prayer meeting with cecilia n chui laam.. yay. =) have pretty big plans for this prayer group.. prayerfully, we'll expand quite fast.. have a few numbers i want to reach.. but wont tell u too much in case i dont reach my target.. (this is not being faithless.. this is being cautious. haha) but if i do be rest assured i'd be screaming the good news all over my blog in a couple of months time. =D but ah today not really in the mood to talk about school..... bleaauurrgghh...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

i realised how indecisive i am. it took me 2 hrs just to decide that we (my frens a.k.a my band) were gonna rent 2 guitars, 1 bass, 1 bass amps. n the drum set from the school bluueeerrgghhh. it was so totally lamified.not to mention the fact that this guy kept following me. doinkz.

today was the first time i paid attention in ms s' lessons. was quite boring.. but at least i understood whut she was talking abt.. mebbe tmr i'll try to pay attention for physics. lol. (!! i know.. me paying attention in class is like eminem marrying justin timberlake. but still. ;p) boonie convinced me.. she has taken a strange liking to mrs goh.. keep saying that mrs goh really very nice n she teaches very well.. n tho i begged to differ.. i think i'll pay attention first, then see how. lol

today was actually quite amusing.. had a really great time in SS slacking.. with the queen of all slackers, miss soh guat yee (i dunnoe if i spelled it right.. but ah heck who gives a damn anyway). she constantly digresses abt god knows whot.. but itsquite fun cos she seems to be lost in her own world.. so we can do whut we like.. (but doinkz yet another topic i need to self study for.. boinkboink.) n we (the girls sitting behind..) were talking alot of rubbish.. laugh until pengz.. wanted to roll onto the floor.. laughed till my stomach hurt. n i have to say.. yi ying is nuts. she is a bit bonkers cos she talk alot of rubbish.. but ah.. they're all fun peeps.. heh.

ok got nothing much to blog n for the first time i'm gonna start on my a math hw. LOL. cya peeps

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

today was the very first match with tkgs... n we wonnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe.. i was so overjoyed.. well.. i know i'm no more in bball (long story. dont wish to elaborate. mebbe tell ya'll abt it another time) but i still love to go see them play, n then scream my lungs out for them (them<=my beloved bball mates. cecilia, xiao j, jing qing, floraaa!! lol..) cos they r so impt. to me. haha.. well.. we won by point.. but at least we won.. n it was a very last second ball, cos.. everyone was so off form today, until jiao lian was screaming like nobody's business.. but sumhow we managed to pull thru, n we won the game by 1 point. altho quite frankly i think tkgs deserved to win more than we did cos they really pia-ed so so so hard.. i feel quite sad for them... but at least we won.. =) it was really quite brilliant cos all of us cchms-ians were basically going nuts when we won.. with all dignity forgotten.. we were running arnd.. basically happy that we scraped thru..... or mebbe i was the only one.. hmm.. lol. ya..... altho one of my frens was quite pissed she didnt perform well.... i think we're all relieved we made it.. cos if we lose to tkgs.. quite diu lian (no offense to any tkgs pple hor..) cos we hv a coach n they dont. n if we still get thrashed by them.. quite sad lah.. haha.. anyway.. it was a great match, altho the crappy bball court is filled with the usual irritating guys who make me really quite pissed cos they dunnoe hwo to keep their mouths shut.. sum1 shld teach them a thing or 2 abt manners.... ok enuff abt bball, but one last note; i really hope we get into the nationals...... yea. =) cchms bbal slams.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

i just realized that alot of people read this crappy blog of mine (yea i know its mainly becos i do free advertising with my msn nickname lol) which is really quite amazing cos i highly doubted the fact that anyone would actually read my blaberings. haha.. well i'm glad to provide a bit of entertainment to those who r equally as crappy and as nutty as moi. =D

well the golden globes have come n gone.. n its now time to comment on one of my favourite things: the major fashion blunders stars commit. yay.... *sarah clapping hands in a weird, twisted sort of way.. bwahahahaha* n well i wont bore with u with all my blabbering abt the major fashion blunders of the night. but i have to say... the worst dressed was carson kressley. honestly. he won hands down. i've never seen anything as bad as that. i mean.. yes i know pink *ahem.. salmon colour, i mean* for guys is pretty in right now. btu he looks gross. n weird. n disgusting. i mean.. "hello?!!!" u're presenting urself to the whole entertainment industry ALL around the world.. n u step out in sumthing like that.. i wonder if his assistants hid all the mirrors in his house.. or he really has bad fashion sense.. cos his outfit was.. *cringe* but lets not talk abt the fashion blunders (altho j.lo looked really bad.. i mean.. really bad.. m speachless when it comes to her).. moving on to all the nice outfits that came out.. =)

first of all, i have to say - i love sarah jessica parker.. looovvveeee her. she is so brilliant. n she's one of the few who wear brilliant designs year after year (nicole kidman lost her rep. liao.. this yrs outfit.. eeeewww.. tom ford shld be stoned.. he must have created that outfit in the dark..) she's so.. blessed. she gets karl lagerfield to design her clothes. THE karl lagerfield. like. WOW. all i can say is.... i wwwaanntt!!!! lol.. n charlize theron's christian dior dress was.. wow.. she looks so brill..

others worth mentioning..
jennifer aniston (vintage valentino this girl never goes wrong fashion wise)
uma thurman (versace. need i say more?)
elisha cuthbert (prom queen look-alike!!)
kim cattrall (vintage valentino.. yummy yummy)

ok i think pple who dont know fashion will be abit blur.. but ya.. i'm done ranting lol. more from this fashion junkie next time...... =)

Monday, January 26, 2004

just remembered sumthing i saw today in my fren's phone. sumthing so horrifying. i nearly died of shock. to think someone would actually do something like that..... well maybe i'm exxagerating it, but honestly, they should stop it. its a horrible thing. they have serious issues. ok u wanna know whot it is?

iT's tyPinG likE tHat.

gross. scary. horrifying. have no idea whot goes thru their extremely warped minds to type like that. ugh. sumone wake them up.

iT's sO cOo| tO tyPe lIke thAt... NOT.
3 periods with ms s is a killer. i told myself to try to get used to her lessons, but its impossible to familiarize urself n enjoy boredom. or so i figured. but lets not talk abt her........

i lost my singing voice. my voice now is total crap. it'll probably break glasses, windows, even ur specs. haiiii.. cant tell u how sad i am to have lost my voice. darn all those junk food lying around in the hs. ah well, can't really blame the food, since I'M the one who hasn't been drinking enough water. but still, we sounded really bad today.. like a classic example of self deluded idots who can't sing but think they can and join american idol n get mocked by simon. oh god we sounded really bad. i'm depressed just thinking of that.... me n booniiee, we're definitely gonna have to practise more. but i really have to give her credit for being so extremely brilliant cos she brings her guitar to school just to practise wit me. so ya.. we just have to practise MORE.

well i think i should go get some water n start blasting sum nice music into my head to cheer me up. more tonight or sumthing.

my oxygen:
rooney => i'm shakin' (n their self titled album..)
all american rejects => my paper heart

Sunday, January 25, 2004

i can't study. i've been staring at my e math ws for the past 5 minutes n all my brain could think off was

"this is pointless... this is pointless... this is pointless...."

and i seriously doubt the capabilities of singapore's education system. i think studying a subject i dont believe will be of any use to me in the future is a huge waste of time n utterly pointless. if i could actually stop studying all the subs i wont need in the future, i'm pretty sure i'd be left with alot of free time to concentrate on other things i want to further myself in. one classic example, maths n science. honestly, if i have no intention in studying science or math in JC n Uni, i shld just drop it now, instead of watsing my time n brain cells on two topics that i think make no sense n can't do well in. oh wait. that's not true. i can do well in them. but they r a complete waste of time. i mean.. if u really need to do math in the future, just use a calculator..?! like.. "hello?!?!!" its not as if i really need to know how to solve algebraic equations. i'm so NOT gonna be studying sumthing so pointless in the future. so.. whuts the point?? n dont let me get started on science. gah.

ah well.. i'm just talking so much crap cos i have a pile of a math, e math, chem n physics hw staring at me. boink. why hasnt sumone taken me away yet???????
All American Rejects - My Paper Heart
Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me please I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run a-way
Catch you if I can

Tears fall, down your face
The taste, is something new
Something that I know
Moving on is, easiest when I am around you.

So bottle up old love,
And throw it out to sea,
Watch it away as you cry
A year has past
The seasons go

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me please I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run a-way
Catch you if I can

Waiting, day to day it goes through
My lips, are sealed for her
My tongue is,
Tied to, a dream of being with you
To settle for less, is not what I prefer

So bottle up old love,
And throw it out to sea,
Watch it away as you cry
A year has past
The seasons go

Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me please I beseech you
Simple things, that make you run a-way
Catch you if I can

Summer time, the nights are so long
The leaves fall down, and so do I into
the arms of a friend
Winter nights
My bedside is cold, for I am gone
And spring blossoms you to me

aaahh!!! all american rejects!!!! they r brilliant!!!! fabulous!!!! wonderful!!!!! sumone give them a grammy!!! *breathes* ok.. sarah is more calm. but pple.. GO CHECK THEM OUT. n go check rooney out. they r just brilliant.. *gushes* if u like the goo goo dolls.. u'lllove these bands.. wowww..

ok. i'm done gushing.. haha.. well.. today was really good. well, all church days are good.. n i had a really great time talking to natalie.. its like.. been so long i went to hang with her!! n we had such a great time talking.. haha.. it was all good.. oh well.. gt nuthing much to blog.. but i'm dragging the time i can spend not having to do my work.. haiz.. life. doinkz.

sumone take me away.............................
ok just a short note before i rush to bathe so i can get to church. lol. i just changed my template.. it gave me lotsa prob but thanx to my beloved wei zhong (weizhong:muaks.. here's a big fat kiss for u), its ok! yay! hahaha.. anyway tell u y i chose this blog cos i just heard the all american rejects song: my paper heart n its brilliant!! fabulous!!! woww!! ya.. so ya'll shld check it out.. =D
ok really gotta run i havent done so many things n my bsu is at 1.30. how doink.

procrastinator rushing offffff......

Saturday, January 24, 2004

oh god. have a splitting headache due to me straining my eyes. well. just now i didnt catch any shut eye, so i'm pretty much dead right now. n my mom's friends (another batch) came over.. n i had to do the whole smiling thing again, so i put on my contacts, which made my eyes hurt n head throb. n there was this 7 yr old girl (vernette) who was actually quite cute but she made me play powerpuff girls on my kor's ps2 so my headache got even worse n now i'm being bombarded with lots of msn messages. which is honestly irritating so my only solace is ranting like a nutcase here in my blog. gah. today has not been a good day. GAH.
i am gonna try to get sum rest. stupid pple bothering me. doinkz

miss grumpy signing off
ugghh. i suck at all computer related topics. i tried to change my template (since i spent the last 2 hours looking for nice blogskins, n i've found many brilliant ones) and failed. dunnoe whut happened, but it looked so weird. am totally useless. doink. n on top of that, my glasses broke. they just snapped in half. so now i'm half blind, my eyes trying to squint at the miserable computer screen.. GAH. am pissed off. but before i bore u to death with my rantings n grumblings.........

on a happier note, my hp revived. thank god for that. =) now i dont have to waste money buying a new phone, just waste money on buying new specs. a bit ironic.. but ah well. LIFE. it was actually quite amazing.. i found it (my hp) on when i woke up yesterday morning with the "please insert sim card" sign staring back at me. was really happy.. lol. i guess miracles do happens to phones too.. haha..

and... yesterday was prety fabulous. went out with my pri schl mates again.. we had lotsa fun at cafe cartel.. did alot of bonding.. lol.. then they came to my hs.. n my dad freaked. again. as always. which brings me to wanna talk abt my dad.. n basically the guys in my house. they are sooooo OVERPROTECTIVE of me. i mean.. me hanging out with guys is like.. a sin. apparently (to them), all guys have ulterior motives towards me, n i should STEER CLEAR. gah. how nonsensical. pathetic. i think they r nuts. gah. (sorry.. m already in bad mood. so lemme vent all this out.) my bro thinks that every guy i msg is trying to jio me or sumthing.. like.. "HELLO??" ya. if i really do whut they want, i'll prob turn into:

a. a nun
b. a lesbian
c. a girl with NO guy friends at all.
d. all of the above. (altho i dont think a nun can be a lesbian.. unless i'm a gay priest or sumthing.. gah.. i digress)

n that is sooo pathetic. i never want to fall into any of those categories. doink...................................
(which reminds me.. i've lost interest in that guy already.. my infatuation is pretty much over.. lol. so now i think it'll be much easier to get his number. lol. more updates on monday)

oh btw, last samurai is a brilliant show. even tho i detest tom cruise (yea i know.. STILL, after so long), i have to admit, he's a brilliant actor. the show is fabulous. surpassed all my expectatons of it.. n it wasnt so boring after all.. so girls, go watch the show.. well, not all girls will like it i guess.. but if u like LOTR, go catch it. i wont tell u much abt the plot.. but its really brilliant.. lol..

ok.. got nuthing much to say, n i'm really tired cos havent been sleeping much the past couple of days (thanx to a midnight show, n watching anime in the wee hours of the morning) i'm pretty sure if u stuff me into a panda's cage, pple will have a hard time differentiating the two. so i better get some sleep

more later.. in the meantime, sarah is going to catch sum shut eye........................

Thursday, January 22, 2004

My sister was there at my cousin's house singing, and i was thinking to myself, i don't think i could play guitar or the piano in front of that many people.........inferiority complex or not, i don't know. But, i see music as more of an outlet for expression, instead of an entertaining art form. My attitute towards music especially which i improvise and ocassionally compose, is that i don't really give a shit whether people likes it or not, or whether even if its musically pleasing to the ears. Those pop-punk posers care too much of that, ohhhh, will my record label like it? Will the fans like it? Teenagers nowadays think that they're so darn rebellious but they're nothing but a pathetic lapdog to this generic pop culture. I mean, look at WA mozart, beethoven and the like They just compose, improvise, even if the song drags on for 20 minutes, who cares if the audience get bored? Music, has always been to me, a form of expressing feelings, emotions and beliefs, and sometimes certain emotions can be so deep and complex that it takes a long long time to really say it out............

Music really chronicles the different milestones and phases of your life. Sometimes, you can tell how a person feels when he/she chooses to express him/herself from the chosen outlet of expression, and in this case its music. Music to me, has been like a soulmate,..............everytime when I pick up a guitar and improvise its almost like talking to a confidante, everytime when i'm drunk or just pretty tipsy on beer and i stop feeling anything on my fingertips when i fret the notes, and just play intuitively, its really like having sex. That's what music is, it is not an overexagerration to say that playing music is like having sex. That's why i always believe that 3 minute pop songs is tantamount to pre-mature ejaculation, there's just too much emotion and energy involved in a true musician's playing that it takes time to express it all out.

To me, it doesn't take much skill to express your feelings through music. In guitar, i can take at most a week to learn a simple song over a few basic chords and this very song can be my emotional outlet. True, the playing and singing may suck, but who cares? You're ultimately doing what a true musician always does, express him/herself instead of wondering is this song nice? Will it be a hit with other people? I mean, i feel that if i play the way i do behind closed doors in my own room in front of other people, its like a public sex show, that's like, no way! I'm pretty selfish where my music is concerned, i like to keep it to only me and myself................i'm not like the egocentric malmsteen to have all spotlights shining on me as i play in front of thousands of people so that people can worship me as the guitar god or anything, i don't really care about what people think of me as a guitarist. Music, to me, has been very private, so if you don't like how i play, i'm like, buzz off, i don't need your approval, cos' if that's adequate in expressing myself, its good enough for me.

this was writte by my brainy friend, benjamin. n i kinda agree with it.. well.. yea i dont play a guitar, but i feel that singing is an expression of how i feel.. when i sing.. its opening myself up.. yea.. haha.. oh well.. u guys shld really check out his blog.. its pretty cool. =)
i'm trying to hide from my couzies who want me to sing karaoke with them. it's not that i dont know how to sing, or i sound horrible.. i know i sound pretty alright.. but sumhow i m relativelely, (hmm whut's that word..?? oh ya..) TERRIFIED of crowds. well.. less terrified of crowds.. but sumhow i feel really, really uncomfortable singing among pple i know. yea.. so strange right.. lol..

anyway.. nuthing much is new.. i'm still at my couzie's place.. n i've been so bored for the past few hrs.. sumone pls bring me back to sanity. please please.
i'm currently at my couzies hs.. n its the same ritual.. the watching mindless chinese movies.. sitting arnd eating lotsa junk food.. so i decided to escape all that for a quick note.. lol

well.. one thing happened... my hp died.. siann right? just when i was thinking of saving all my ang pao money for a new iPod, i have to use it on a new phone.. bleeuurrgghh. was so pissed to have to wake up to a dead phone. ah well. its served me well (lol) so it shld be in handphone heaven.. hehe.

anyway my pocket is getting bigger n bigger.. its a brillaint thing.. apparently all the smiling is working.. LOL.
ah.. speaking of which, i better go outside to smile sum more.. doinkz.. *practises her smile* =D more later.. hopefully we'll go watch a movie or sumthing.. yay.

btw, american idol is coming baccckkk!!!!! yaayyy!!!! haha.. happy happy happy. check it out tonight, channel 5 10 pm. ok really gtg.. byebye.. muaks muaks all.. =)

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

today was rather eventful. one of the rare days i actually looked forward to going to school (altho these few days i hv been looking forward to going to schl becos i can see sum pple.. but that's sumthing else. lol) but today was rather good. even though the celebration was as boring as usual, the grand auditorium was so hot i could melt.. n the performances were.... well.. they weren't good, but still i looked forward to seeing my frens in normal clothes, other than our horrifying schl uni. yea.. =) then i went back to my dear SHPS (st. hilda's pri schl for the ignorant ones) n it was so funnn!!! yea.. first time i hanged with pple like alexi, josh, caroline, siu yen.. the works.. n it was sooo cool to see my beloved amanda again. =D so we had yummy lunch at pizza hut, then we just walked arnd.. n it was really good.. had sum major bonding time.. lol.

ok i gotta go.. daddiee wants to take us out soon.. n i have to help clear up. =) dinner was yummieee, btw. had scallop.. soft shell crab.. ya'll must be drooling liao.. LOL. ok.. really gotta trun.. more tonight!

p.s congrats all 3 gracians.. we won CNY deco competition.. no surprise tho.. hah

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

sarah is bored. n tired. sarah is gonna sleep soon but she decided to go online to say halo to her blog. she just returned home from a loonng n tiring trip to carefoure where she had to carry alot of groceries back. anyway, sarah is kinda tired so she will go sleep soon... after she has done all the things she has to do.. like iron her top.. choose shoes, burn cd, n write a letter for her friend. sarah get even more tired when she thinks of all the things she has to do. but nvm. sarah'll do it anyway. so sarah says nite for now. ;p
am so looking forward to chinese new year. collecting ang paos, stuffing my face with junk food (n then feeling bad after that, then going jogging), and seeing all my relatives. what i'm not so looking forward to is the questioning n all the commenting. its like.. my relatives have too much saliva or sumthing.
"waaahh.. girl, grow up so fast ah?? now sec what ah..??"
"aiyohh.. so tall already! next time wait cannot find a boyfriend how??"
"ah girl ah.. u so skinny.. must eat more! come come.. u cannot eat so little ok.."

n then they proceed with the cheek pinching, the piling my plate with food, the aking my turn around to see how much i've grown n how i look, n asking me countless questions. how doink. -_- am pretty sure my face muscles will be pretty stiff after all the smiling n nodding for 3 whole days. but ah well.. its the price u pay for ang pao's. lol..

which reminds me. tmr we dont have to put on that horrid schl uni!! i cant wait. n for the first time in all these years, i actually know what i'm going to wear. (except for my shoes.. hmm.. boots? my sneakers? my boots will be relatively daring.. buti'll have to do alot of walking and i dont wanna go home with toes that hurt. lol so i guess i know whut i'm gonna wear loll..) it's quite amazing considering how indecisive i am. so i'm pretty proud of myself. lol. =)

ok this is the part i dont really wanna write abt. but i promised an update. so ya.. if its no surprise, i STILL HAVEN'T asked that crappy guy for his number. uurrgghh.. this is getting a bit old story. i should get it over n done with. how irritating. i personify pathetic. i mean.. why am i such a chicken?? sarah ling, just get it over n done with. it's not as if anything bad will happen to u if u do ask him for his number. u're over analysing it. oh man. i'm talking to myself. this is getting really bad. ok i'll do it tmr. i think i'll look pretty nice tmr.. so ya. tmr. tmr. tmr. i'll still update u. haha

ok.. that's basically all i have on my mind now.. so ya.. =) more tonight or sumthing.

p.s i have to say this.. ms s is EVIL. she gave us hw during CNY break. i hope she falls down the stairs or sumthing. so is chan choo.. grrr.. i can't stand my teachers. how.. doinkz.

Monday, January 19, 2004

"praise Him, praise Him, praise him in EVERYTHING."

am blasting my hillsongs song collection now, n i was listening to "Shout Of The King". a relatively easy song... nuthing very special abt it, but the this line hit my heart. dunnoe y.. but yea.. i guess it's so impt. to praise the creator for everything.. n everything meaning EVERYTHING. even the smallest things u tend to overlook n take forgranted... like the oxygen u breathe.. the colours u see.. all around me, i can see the wonder of His greatness. and.. the things i can praise Him for is innumerable. i am blessed beyond words. yea.. it's just brilliant lah.. dunnoe how to really explain it..?? but its that zai feeling.. when u're standing in awe of your maker, and all u cant do anything at His feet but stand there speachless, totally awed. ya. the feeling is great beyond great. n sumhow i suddenly felt His presence. n there's no other word to describe it but.. shiok. just so zai.

well i hope i'm not boring u with all my talk abt this.. but yea.. haha.. i'll tell u more abt sum stuff i've been thinking abt tmr.. in the mean time.. i shall go blast sum more hillsongs.. =)

my redeemer lives!

i'm blessed. =)
Jesus Christ,
King Of Glory,
Lord Of all we praise U,
Forever Your name will be praised,
In heaven and earth always,

Jesus Christ,
You're my saviour,
And I will run after You,
4 U are the Son of God and,
King over all the world,

And I will never stop praising U,
For all the things U've done for me,
And I'll b Urs 4ever,
Jesus U're everything to me,

Jesus You're everything to me

brilliant. it's all i wanna say to Him. Praise be to the coolest God ever!!
guess whut.. I HAVENT STARTED MY ZUO WEN OR MY TING XIE. aarrgghhh.. i'm a big fat procrasinator. doinkz. so i came online to talk rubbish for abt five minutes n leave.. crappp.. tmr must rush ting xia.. doink doink doink. ok. i really really dont feel like writing but i'm gonna sit down n try anyway. hopefully i'll finish it by 10.30. for the record, i dont like this. doinkdoinkdoinkdoink.

blasting: jars of clay show your love

sarah doesnt want to leave or stop typing in her bloggg....
harloeee!!! i just got back from sch.. n first things first.. i chickened on asking that guy for his no... haizzz.. i m pathetic. doink. anyway. i'll try to do it tmr.. lol.

ok onto other things.. i have got most of my band made up for school of rock!!! boon hui is brilliant.. she is a huge hendrix fan.. which is cool considering i havent met a girl into rock like her.. lol. n she's gonna be my guitarist for my solo.. which reminds me.. got alot of pple taking part in solo ler.. dunnoe if i can get in.. will be seriously quite sad if i cant get in.. doinkz.. but i dont think my voice is that bad right?? hai.. i shldnt be worried.. so nvm.. i'll just go for auditions.. hehe

hmmm.. whut else?? dunnoe ler.. lol.. ok.. i really have to do my zuo wen n study for ting xie liao.. sian sian sian.. more later babes...

sarah's a chicken. doink

Sunday, January 18, 2004

i'm supposed to be doing my zuo wen.. but i'm really lazy today so here i am typing rubbish so that all can read my beeeaauuttiful blog. lol. i was supposed to start my zuo en at abt 2 in the afternoon.. but i havent even opened my bag. lol.

*sigh* i'm starting to get the monday blues again. the thought of having to see ms s' face for 3 periods kills me. i want to puke. she is a cow. honestly.. she need to do something abt the way she teaches if not i'm gonna flunk. lol. and tmr is the one time i'm dreading chinese cos i've been notti.. doinkz. well at least i get to see sum special pple. hehe ;p

oh ya. i'm suppose to test if i can handle rejection tmr. have to ask this guy in my sch for his number in front of all his frens.. n see whut happens. cos, my fren said i need to know how to handle rejection, since i've been faced with so little rejections in my life. so ya. i'm gonna do it (i think). i'd be lying if i said i wasnt freaked, but it shouldnt be a problem. lol. i'll tell u how it goes. hmm.. mebbe i should act nonchalant abt the whole thing. yea.. mebbe that'll work. hehe.. i'll update u.. ;p

guess what. to memorise the tune and lyrics for the michelle branch song, i've been playing the song the WHOLE DAY. yup. i havent really left my room.. n it's been blasting in my ears. i think i shld have gotten it by tmr, latest. its getting a bit boring tho.. listen to the same song over n over n over. boink. doink. zoink (courtesy of derek.. lol ;p) even. i think this is most prob the song i'm doing. unless i wanna do fefe dobson.. but oh well.. nuthing is comfirmed. haha

hmm.. i know this sounds kinda dry.. but i have a serious serious doubt of monday blues.. sigh.. even the thot of my meeting with cecilia tmr isnt doing much to cheer my extremely low spirits. zoink. wish i had a comp in class.. n i could blog during cow's lesson. i'd be so bored.. u wouldnt be able to understand n comprehend the magnitude of my exxttreeemmmeee boredom. doink.

ok i cant talk liao. have to pack my stuff.. so i shall save my crapping for another time.. lol

urs in prepared boredom
halohalohalo!!! tmr is monday.. n guess whut? i'm actually looking forward to it. =D *all jaws drop* u must be wondering why.. so yea.. its cos me n cecilia are gonna start sumthing fab!!!! well.. i wont say much here.. but.. watch out for it cos its gonna be HUGE.. ;p
this whole week has been relatively quiet.. didnt do much.. altho i comfirmed that ms sharmila is an ass.. (she totally pmsed on friday.. talked abt how students not handing in homework makes her n the class look incompetent.. n all her crap was basically directed at us which was so irritating. ya.. cant stand her.. n man she shld really change her clothes...) n i m starting to like chinese more n more. which is so weird for sumone like moi.. considering i'm a english freak. lol but its good lah.. i'm actually looking forward to sch now.. cos jay chou lao shi (LOL) is really cool!!!! i know i know.. ya'll must be thinking my mind has been warped.. that i'm actually crazy over a chinese teacher.. lol. but.. she's really brilliant.. n at least i understand whut she's talking abt.. so its all good.. =)
hmm.. whut else ah...?? oh ya... i got a band more or less settled!!!! yayyyy!!!!! well, this aint a schl band.. it comprises of ben (lead guitarist), egan (drummer/basist), me (lead singer), wei liang (2nd guitarist) and joshua (basist).. well.. more are to come.. nuthings been comfirmed.. but its all great man.. ya.. we're already hyped up for talentime during emerge conference.. hehe.. mebbe we'll do sumthing rock.. or sumthing ska.. lol.. cant wait cant wait cant wait.. hehe.. oh ya.. speaking of talentime.. whut song shld i sing for sch talentime ah?? if u guys dunno.. this yr's auditions are after CNY break.. so i gotta start preparing.. n it also means i cant eat so much yummy junk food in case much throat gets bad.. siannnn.. ah well.. nvm.. hopefully i'll get into the finals.. if dont get in.. i'll be quite sad.. but i think this yr.. we have quite a few who r good.. ah well we see how.. hehe =) i'll cont. update ya'll.. but anmy ideas for osngs.. tell me tell me tell me.. i was thinking of michelle branch leap of faith (thanks gy), alanis morrisette ironic.. but most of them say sing a power song.. but how to sing a power song??? doink.. nvm i'll try.. go n experiment with sum styles.. lol...
ok peeps i really feel i need to go practise liao.. type so much n i havent listened to all the songs properly.. haha.. take care n more later!!!

wif love..

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

"i can see the sun.. i can see the sun with love..." lol.. the concert was so fab.. she was like.. so gorgeous.. lol.. not to mention the fact that there were sum super cute breakdancers during one of her costume changes.. n they were like.. w-o-w. loll... sum major eye candy to look out for.. heh. had a good time wif my dahling ber.. n then had a nice long chat with wei zhong.. which was all good... =D
then on sunday.. svc was brilliant. it was really great to see all my frens.. the old ones from diff svcs.. yea it was really cool.. hehe (which reminds me.. eugene if u r reading this.. whots up with ur outfit??!?!?!! i know u love shocking pple.. butstill.. doinkz -_-) n i really think i need to sort out my prorities this yr.. yea.. i cant imagine mugging/slogging for my exams. its a term which is totally unfamiliar to me. doink. well all this stuff i wont really post here lol cos i know alot of pple will cum here n see see.. haha..
sch has been relatively alright.. boring as usual. hmm.. whot news do i have.. oh ya! kor just modified his ps2!!!!! yayyyyy!!!!! now i can play sims:busting out for a few hrs one shot.. n i'm honestly addicted.. hehe.. i've been like.. training my crappy sim all day.. hehe.. well ya'll shld check it out.. n if have any nice games to recommend (like RPGs n such) pls tell me.. hehe..
ok.. cant talk cos my sis wanna sleep liao.. first time she sleep earlier than me considering she is like.. a nocturnal creature.. ok.. she is bugging me liao.. i add more tmr or sumthing.. ;p

much love
sarah who hates physics.

p.s.. shld i go join talentime?? agaiin?? whot song to sing??? n i REALLY NEED a band. doink. anyone who knows a drummer.. tell me.. i need one like.. so badly.. okok.. sister is giving me her look.. byebyebybyebyebyebyeeeeeeeee =D

Friday, January 09, 2004

greetings earthlings!! i am now kuai kuai being consistent in updating my blog (at least for now).. hahah.. well.. schl has turned out much better.. altho ms sharmila has an abnormally big ass n small head (god knows why???) which makes her look really unproportionate.. not to mention the almost-afro-hair-do.. doesnt really help. ya. haha.. but anyway.. on to other teachers.. ms goh is BORING. hmm.. ms chan is kinda... dunnoe ler.. she seems to be brilliant.. but mebbe thats just a affectation... not t mention the weird slang.. hah. well.. lets not critisize her.. shall give u more comments when i get to know her better.. anyway. enuff about cchms. -_-

tmr i'm going for pst sun's concert!!!!!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy!!!! =D i am elated, overjoyed, happy, supper happy, jumping for joy.. on cloud nine.. blithe, blissful.. thrilled, jubilant.. hmm.. these are all the words i can think of now.. hehe.. was so happy that she finally got a good report written abt her.. after all the crap the tabliods (ST is considered a tabloid ok)) have written... n i m really happy i FINALLY dont have to q up for seats.. ya.. haha.. n then.. on sunday morning must go n q liao.. doinkz.. but i feel.. its quite a nice feeling ler.. strangely.. i mean.. its fun just to sit there n fellowship with ur cgms.. yea.. dunnoe lah.. mebbe this is just a chc member thinking. since we are sooo used to q-ing up.. but i'll have to wake up superrr early on sunday.. mebbe go kallang there eat breakfast first.. hehe..

well.. tmr i shld have to go to sch.. but not really keen.. ahh.. forget it.. i shall ditch going to schl.. lol.. anyway i wanna go call josh n ber check up on sum stuff liao. more later babes.. lol..

with much love
p.s oh!! i forgot!! happy birthday to my beloved harry potter.. zhong yu 15 liao.. lol.. ;p must act more mature aiight.. hehe

Sunday, January 04, 2004

oh here's sumthing i wrote sumtime ago when i was also off.... yea... thot u guys might find it interesting.. check it out.. =)

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw: my inability to change.
I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels safer somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be out there, waiting for you. Chances are it could be even worse.
So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little.
When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really close. Which, thank God, they never do.
But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.
halo halo.. it's been really really long.. a thousand apologies.. but hv been pretty bz with alot of stuff that has been going on. but this is the start of the new year.. n its a time for new beginnings. i am now a sec 3 student who is in an e.lit. class.. yay. ;p but on the other hand.. i'm in a new environment.. kinda weird... but schl is the last of my probs.. so lemme tell u whots been happening (for the really rare pple who actually cum here anymore.. but anyway).

i am now abt to move svc in church.. n things have been pretty rough.. becos of pst. sun n everything.. lets just say my parents arent big fan. in fact they're not fans at all. so we had a big big thing going on between us.. n its not been really good. but i'm trying to resolve it.. have to move svc n cg tho..

actually cg dont really hv to move.. my parents are fine with moi cg n stuff.. but i kinda want to. i mean.. i really need change.. yea.. m i being selfish for wanting sumthing like that..? think the cg will be very lop sided.. but yea.. haha.. dunnoe lah.. will update more.

i am kinda weird u know.. abt diff issues.. i'm afraid of change.. but in other situations.. i embrace it quite happily. yea.. mebbe when i want the changes ("embracing change"), i'm actually running away from my reality. i mean.. everyone is afraid of change right.. n yet change is the only constant thing. ugghh.. this world is extremely mixed up which leads me to another thing...

been super off the past few weeks.. hv been putting on too many masks for the world.. so many that i kinda lost myself.. yea.. n it really freaked me out for awhile.. but thank god (a billion times over) for wei zhong.. yea.. wz, if u're reading this.. u r the most brilliant person i can hv. when i lost myself u were there to pull me back to sanity.. haha.. thank u thank u thank u. yea.. haha.. i wont go into much details lah.. for me to know.. n u guys out there to keep guessing.. ;p

ok on a final note.. just wanna let ya'll know... sarah is bacckkk.. =D

with love.