Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy Belated, baby.

I figured after all this time you deserved one post of your own.

Being with you kicks ass. (:

Sunday, June 17, 2007

"I'm so proud of you"

"Same same."


After the weeks of rushing, the many many meetings and memorising scripts ("the thing is, many of the people living there sorely lack what we take for granted....") so we looked like professionals, we didn't win. We're not going to my favourite city, NYC.

But the thing is, we were merely disappointed, not discouraged.

We got the Spirit of SIFE award (which essentially is second place) and Ms Ng was the Faculty Advisor of the Year. We also got many compliments from the judges who said they were rooting for us and were very impressed with our presentation and projects. We got other judges offering to sponsor our projects.

Which in all honesty? Was good enough for me. Better than good, in fact.

I joined SIFE (it's Students In Free Enterprise, you nitwits so stop asking) cos I thought it would be a low commitment, easy way to get something that passed off as a CCA. Then by some crazy fluke, I became Vice and now I am happy to say I've become one of those whackjobs who are over enthusiastic over their CCAs.

I love it, I love the team, our faculty advisors (who kick ass and even prayed with us before we presented) and most importantly, I love what we do.

We started out slow, and there were moments we thought we were just full of hot air. However. Coming together and compiling and presenting our projects made me realize that SIFE really is an amazing avenue for improving the lives of others. I believe in its potential, in the people, and in the awesome projects that will come forth.

To the presenters, Keith, Rose, Candice and Siew - it was great working with you. I wouldn't have it any other way. The presentation really came together and seeing everything as a final masterpiece was simply fantastic. Siew, you're not just my girlfriend, you're an awesome speaker and I love the chemistry we have together. PORH PORH. *does TP SIFE code* We're heading to Singapore next year guys. SINGAPORE. Gotta seriously kick some SMU butt. =D

Sany, thanks for making our reports look so uberest cool. You is so cool. Please believe me. =D

I'm all pumped up to start working on a brand new slew of projects and go save the world, one person at a time (hello candice, thought of your line).


Saturday, June 09, 2007

This is too little too late, but for what its worth -

Emerge was worth missing Anberlin for.