We celebrated Grandma's birthday last Saturday. It was her 83rd. There was the usual fanfare, with the whole family (cousins and all) gathered to celebrate her life.
There was a moment, in between the photo taking and cake cutting, that she reached out her warm hand and touched my face.
"You cut your hair, now you look so cute" she said in Cantonese, admiring the new haircut.
"The weather's so hot, that's why I cut my hair." I answer, delighted with the compliment.
Her attention shifts.
"Haiyo, look at your earrings. Why so huge? Aren't they very heavy?" She exclaims with widened curiosity as she touches my huge hoop earings.
I laugh, and tell her they are fashionable, shaking my head to make them move.
She gives a small sigh, and says,"You grow up so fast, I still remember the times when you were a little girl."
"Time flies, doesn't it." I agree.
There is a momentary pause, as I struggle to find the words that would accurately express how I felt.
I give up, and end up giving her a hug, wishing it alone could convey how much I felt to make up for my miserable Cantonese.
"I love you so much grandma"
I've mentioned my regret for not learning how to converse with my grandma properly in previous blog posts. The regret for my foolishness for being too caught up being westernized that I threw my dialect, and with it a decent relationship with my grandma, away.
She pampered me when I was young with kuehkuehs from the hawker centre as she walked me home from kindergarten. With ten dollar bills shoved into my hands everytime I saw her as a small blessing. "Go and buy something to eat," she used to alwaya say. She pampered me with the love she showed, with eyes that lit up when she saw me, simply because I'm her youngest grandchild.
My grandma is a strong woman. She single handedly raised six children after her husband passes away, working odd jobs and long hours to support them. There was a time she spoke many dialects, conversed well in Malay, and was a brilliant cook. That was before her stroke about five years ago. But despite losing her lingusitic abilities, and her independence, she remained optimistic.
A few days ago, the boyfriend casually commented on the resemblance I share with my grandma. I have her nose, her cheeks.. The small things.
I hope I've inherited more than that, though.